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Botaniets Gin

Can I use Botaniets Gin for cocktails?

Botaniets Gin is like any other premium distilled Gin, the only difference is that it's 100% alcohol free. Feel free to re-create any of your favourite gin-based cocktails and transform them into a mocktail. If you're looking for inspiration have a l

Is Botaniets sugar free?

Even if the amount of sugar per serve is extremely low, it's not sugar free. Today a serve of Botaniets (60ml) has around 1.2 grams of sugar. We're talking 5kcal for one serve. Mixed with a 100ml bottle of high quality London Essence Indian Tonic you

What are the ingredients of Botaniets Original?

The ingredients of Botaniets are 100% natural, of mainly European origin, and come from sustainable and organic farming.  From the Rustica juniper berry to the Sicilian bark harvested in the hills of Syracuse.

How do you drink Botaniets?

Botaniets is served on ice, and tonic.  Maximum 3 ice cubes and 100 ml of tonic for 5 cl of Botaniets for a perfect serve.

What are the ingredients of Botaniets Ginger & Yuzu?

From Botaniets, we distill Yuzu peels, the famous and rare Japanese lemon, which we harvest in the workshops that extract the juice.  We dry them to prevent them from colouring the gin during distillation.  Then we distil the fresh ginger, cut in hal

What's the difference between Botaniets Original and Ginger & Yuzu?

Botaniets Original is the closest to a classic herbal gin, a mix between purely distilled London Dry and Plymouth Gin.  Close your eyes, you're in London.  The Botaniets Ginger & Yuzu is stronger in taste, and has a natural freshness for tasty summer

What's the secret behind Botaniets distillation process?

The distillation process combines 3 stages, combining the know-how of our master distillers and the recipes of the founder's great-great grandfather, Alexandre Niets.  The unique combination of these botanical and distillation techniques have resulte

How do you make Botaniets gin?

Selection of the finest natural and organic ingredients, 100% distillation, 7 days for each bottle, and the closest experience to an alcohol product welcomes you like magic.  Rare? Yes.

How do I make the Botaniets perfect serve?

Selection of the finest natural and organic ingredients, 100% distillation, 7 days for each bottle, and the closest experience to an alcohol product welcomes you like magic.  Rare? Yes.

Is Botaniets Gin an organic drink?

Botaniets is organic, and distilled.

What's the secret behind Botaniets distillation process?

The distillation process combines 3 stages, combining the know-how of our master distillers and the recipes of the founder's great-great grandfather, Alexandre Niets.  The unique combination of these botanical and distillation techniques have resulte

Is Botaniets Gin BIO certified?

Botaniets is in the process of receiving its Bio Certisys certification.

Where can I find Botaniets Gin?

Ask us for the nearest point of sale by email or order online!  You will be served at home, without having to travel.

Where is Botaniets Gin produced?

Botaniets is produced & bottled in Belgium. Niets is a Brussels company, the first alcohol-free distillery in Brussels.

Do I need to keep Botaniets in the fridge once openend?

The product can be stored for 6 months after opening. It not necessary to keep Botaniets in the fridge. However keeping it in the refrigerator is a way to stabilise temperature differences and helps serve it cold.